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Lionel Lilac walks through life draped in charm like a finely tailored suit, each smile a calculated move in a game only he knows he's playing. To the world, he's the epitome of altruism, his hands seemingly only ever outstretched in giving. But those hands would tell an entirely different story behind closed doors. They command and take, moving with an aggression that's as sharp as it is sudden, betraying the menace lurking beneath his polished veneer. Like all politicians, Lionel walks a tightrope between the approval of the voters who put him in office and the demands of the wealthy donors who keep him there, all the while, juggling his marriage and the carnal desires that his wife can’t fulfill.

Chapter 4 sovereignty

As I continued to navigate the European underworld, it didn’t surprise... [read more]

Sovereignty | THE POLITICIANS | Chapter 4 Photos 106
Sovereignty | THE POLITICIANS | Chapter 4 Photos 107
Sovereignty | THE POLITICIANS | Chapter 4 Photos 108
Sovereignty | THE POLITICIANS | Chapter 4 Photos 109
Sovereignty | THE POLITICIANS | Chapter 4 Photos 107
Sovereignty | THE POLITICIANS | Chapter 4 Photos 109
Sovereignty | THE POLITICIANS | Chapter 4 Photos 108
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